Who We Are

Phil Muller
President, SCD Energy Solutions |
SCD Energy Solutions is an independent energy consulting practice that provides strategic, creative and
directed solutions to help clients profitably and effectively negotiate the electricity industry in the Western US, particularly in California.
SCD has been focused on the development, implementation and ongoing evolution of competitive markets since 1994. We are deeply familiar with processes, participants and priorities at play, and realize that competitive success in the electric supply industry requires a strategic understanding of regulatory bodies and policies.
Our results-oriented approach is informed by having been active in the industry for the last 30 years. We understand the big picture, appreciate the complex give and take of the industry, know where to go to get answers, and above all, concentrate on our clients’ specific needs.
What We Do
SCD Energy Solutions provides regulatory support, analysis and advocacy. We track the vast amount of information available and:
- Identify what is useful and important
- Clarify the strategic implications
- Define opportunities
- Develop responses and positions that
support the business needs of our clients
Who We Serve
If you are a developer interested in understanding the California market, an energy consumer interested in renewable energy but unsure of the economics, a new resource or load needing to interconnect with a utility, or a market participant trying to understand some complex energy policy, we can help.
Our client base includes:
- Large independent power producers
- Renewable and conventional generation developers
- Independent transmission developers
- Large industrial energy consumers
- Other engineering and consulting firms